Monday, May 19, 2014

Dallas Stars Off-Season Series Part 2 : Colton Sceviour

By Sara Townley

Part 2 – Colton Sceviour

Christina Shapiro/Texas Stars
            First off, I would like to take a moment and brag about Mr. Sceviour. In every game that he played, he was all over the ice and wasn’t afraid to take charge of the puck despite being an AHL call up in the NHL world. I fell in love with Colton Sceviour’s game play this season and he just may be the rookie that, for what it’s worth, I’m most proud of.
            I attended a Dallas Stars practice in Frisco one Saturday morning in January, where I watched Colton practice with the Stars, graciously take pictures and sign autographs with every fan that requested him, then after leaving the rink in DFW a little after 2pm, went out and played hard four hours later in Cedar Park sporting his #7 Texas Stars jersey. 

I’m sure that it’s understood if you’re in the AHL, you can be called up and sent back at a moment’s notice, but that can’t make it any easier on a player. Especially when signing autographs hours prior, a fan asks you how long you’ll be sticking around this time and the only way you can answer is by saying, “I’m not too sure” and smile, while knowing that you’re currently on your way out. It broke my heart a little after learning he played later that evening in Cedar Park; he knew when he was asked by that fan hours earlier that he was gearing up to go right then and there, but I’m sure it wasn’t an easy question to answer at the time just having found out himself that he was heading back. It seemed to me that Colton took it all in stride, still managing to be a productive player and scorer no matter what level or which ice he set foot on.

Jerome Miron/Jerome Miron-USA TODAY Sports
Though the circumstances that allowed Sceviour to remain at the NHL level through the post-season were tragic (Rich Peverley’s episode along with numerous other injuries to players), I sure hope that the Dallas Stars organization and fans alike are as impressed by him as I was. I know that roster space is hard to come by and that picking up a guy means losing one to allow an open spot, but it would be nice if there was a way to keep him around here in Dallas. 

Colton wore #22 with pride and I sure thought he played hard and consistently enough to earn himself a permanent spot. He’s determined and has true goal scoring abilities; a real asset. 

Sara Townley

Look for part 3 of this off-season series in the next week!

Sara Townley covers the Dallas Stars for the Texas Sports Review Follow her on Twitter @TexSR_StarsTalk
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